Ayutha Chandi Yagnam

Our Blog

08-07-2019 to 08-12-2019

In August 2019, S3 Foundation organized a very powerful and sacred fire prayer called Ayutha Chandi Yagnam, at S3 Gaushala. The Yagnam was performed by reciting Durga Saptashati Shlokas for 10,000 times and an offering of Ahuti for 1000 times into the fire. With the divine blessings of Maha Shakti and the guidance of Dr. Prakash Rao Garu and Nalini Garu, the Yagnam took place for six days from Aug 7-Aug 12, 2019.

The Yagnam was performed by priests from Tirupati Veda Patashala, accompanied by Shri Ram sigh Yadav Ji from Gayatri Parivar and Shri Narahari Achar Garu. Around 100-150 people from all over the United States, attended the event and received the blessings of the Goddess Durga and Gaumatas.

Benefits of Ayutha Chandi Yagnam:

  • Gain Good Health & Peace of Mind.
  • Clear Away any signs of Negative Energy.
  • To Overcome Obstacles.
  • Helps to attain Financial Prosperity.