Many people wonder why do we have to serve Gau Mata.
The answer to this you will find only when you view your life more closely – just zoom in. Ever wondered, why in spite of every luxury we have today – why do we have sufferings, illness and to top it all a lack of mental peace.
It is seen everywhere, stress is around and that accompanies many diseases and makes us unhappy. This is part of the karma (deeds) we perform, to satisfy the necessities of life. Money is always good and is an essential requirement and we make all attempts to earn a good living for our family.
However, unknowingly, the way we earn money may be wrong or right, which makes our money impious (bad) or pious (good). In addition, the use of impious earning is the main cause of all suffering. What we eat is bought with money and what we are eating has direct effect on our mind and soul
Now to change the source of earnings may not be practically possible, in the competitive world of today , especially when you are directly not involved in or aware of wrongdoings. Our needs are always unlimited, so the best option you have is to purify your earrings for a better living.
By this you are ensured of being blessed with Sadhbuddhi (righteous mind), which is required to stay focused and progress in your career. The easiest and best way of purifying good or bad money is to do Gau-seva (serve cows) so that our mind and soul are not affected and we become more happy and healthy, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Interested persons may kindly donate towards the gauseva and get the benefit of serving Gau mata.